Jesus Stream

Meet @jesus_stream

Jesus Stream: Discover Your Spiritual Side With High-Quality Streaming

Jesus Stream experienced a major disruption when technical issues got in the way of their operations, leaving their followers bewildered. But with 5centsCDN's top-of-the-line infrastructure and proficient tech squad, they're now running without a hitch! Experience the advantages of dependable worldwide content delivery with 5centsCDN

Jesus Stream experienced a major disruption when technical issues got in the way of their operations, leaving their followers bewildered. But with 5centsCDN's top-of-the-line infrastructure and proficient tech squad, they're now running without a hitch! Experience the advantages of dependable worldwide content delivery with 5centsCDN

Jesus Stream

Meet @jesus_stream

Jesus Stream: Discover Your Spiritual Side With High-Quality Streaming

“They are patient, knowledgeable, polite, and very effective. And, of course, always available even when I’m working on issues in the middle of the night”

- By CEO of Jesus Stream

About Jesus Stream


Church Streaming platform


Live Streaming


Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Subscription Plan





Church Streaming platform


Live Streaming


Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Subscription Plan




JesusStream is the world leader in internet innovation when it comes to religion. They are revolutionizing religious practice and connection by offering exceptional internet-based spiritual services, even in the midst of social distancing. Their mission is to bring church services to people through live streaming and video on demand, offering a connection to spirituality even when in-person gatherings are not possible

The Issue

Content publishers face a tremendous challenge in creating smooth, uncompromised content that stands out amongst the top-tier digital media outlets. Taking up space between these tech tycoons can be exhilarating yet dangerous. It’s no easy feat for publishers to put together an infrastructure capable of producing quality content as good as their competitors.

Jacob Radio faced a similar predicament, finding it difficult to compare to the digital media titans. Only with hard work and dedication can publishers truly secure a place among the heavyweights!

The Approach

When JesusStream encountered issues, 5centsCDN had the perfect remedy. After Chris from the team reached out to us, our technical team determined the issue and provided the guidance needed to repair the origin server.

With all the incredible amenities 5centsCDN has to offer, Live Encoding Pull Zone was the feature that especially resonated with Chris and ultimately motivated him to use our services.

The Result

Jesus Stream took their sweet time exploring many content delivery platforms before they came to us at 5centsCDN. After scrutinizing the competition and carefully assessing our advantages, they decided we were right for them and have been with us ever since!

But what sold them was our dedication to customer service—we never stop working to ensure our valued patrons have a 24/7 tech team available to chat, anytime. That’s what JesusStream loves about us – putting customers first!


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