
Cloud Storage

State-of-the-Art Cloud Storage service is yet another swift feature that allows the broadcasters to build a custom platform that lets them deliver high-performance, secure and scalable videos by complementing in-house capabilities. This service offers file scheduling to play content for/in a set amount of time, in addition, to live streaming, at a high speed and scale as required.

Unlock a 15-days Trial with our 24/7 customer support to help you.

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Clout Storage

Build a custom platform for your viewers using cloud storage

Live Recording DVR

3 x Data Redundancy

Rest assured that your data is always secure within our foolproof cloud environment. 5centCDN keeps 3x copies of your data backup to avoid encountering a data loss.

Live Recording DVR

Premium Network

Our partners are guaranteed to be connected to world-class networks and experience high-quality services with Tier 1 IP transit providers along with major ISP’s across the globe.

Live Recording DVR

Flat Pricing

Enjoy the flat pricing structure for individuals as well as enterprise customers who require bulk storage space and prefer a stable contract. No request cost or any other hidden charges.

Live Recording DVR


Have your data encrypted before streaming it to avoid security threats. You can opt-in for free shared SSL or we can install custom dedicated SSL for you free of cost or any hidden charges.

Live Recording DVR

Custom CNAME

Use your own custom URL for the domain by choosing your preferred CNAME that points one domain to another rather than to an IP address and access your contents on our Cloud Storage.

Live Recording DVR

Secured Delivery

We ensure the protection of your content in the storage space against any kind of scraping threats, various online attacks, and data theft so you can solely focus on your business.

Live Recording DVR

99% SLA

We offer our clients 99% performance-based SLA rather than network uptime. Our unique routing mechanism takes an anomaly CDN node offline to help achieve a 100% uptime.

Live Recording DVR

Reports & Analytics

Keep yourself updated and have a complete picture of the user behavior when it comes to your content; such as insights about who watched your stream from where, and how many hits, etc.

Live Recording DVR


In case of any issues or queries regarding your cloud storage account, our dedicated professionals at the technical support team are available 24/7, 365 days a year for your assistance.

Enjoy custom platforms with high-quality, scalable videos.

Unlimited storage for your videos based on your business needs

Sales & Client solutions team typically responds within 1 business day.


We`'`d love to learn more about you!👂 In this short call, we`'`ll figure out your business needs and see if our product is right for you.

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How much does cloud storage cost?

Does cloud storage have a minimum monthly storage charge?

Is the cloud storage ingress traffic free or uploading data traffic free?

How reliable is Amazon S3?

How much data can I store in Amazon S3?

What is the maximum file size I can upload?

Do you offer an API for cloud storage so that I can integrate it with my web or mobile application or OTT platforms?

Does cloud storage offer a 100% Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

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Hannah W.

starMay 31, 2024

Comprehensive CDN platform

Anything on CDN and 5Cents & team can assist you with the set of capabilities and features that they enable. Right from security aspects to streamlined content they hust support on everything

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