Yes, You can upload subtitles for your MP4 files. The steps are explained below.

Step 1: Upload your MP4 files to the HTTP or VoD push zone.

Go to the file manager and upload your MP4 file to the push zone.

Step 2: Upload the subtitle file to the same path with the same name as the MP4 file.

You have to upload the subtitle file with the same name as the mp4 files. Suppose you have uploaded a file “sample.mp4” in the /mp4 directory. Then need to upload the subtitle file “” in the same path.

How to upload if I have multiple subtitle files for an MP4 file?

If your mp4 file has multiple subtitle files, for different languages then you can use the corresponding language code. Some language codes are explained below,

  •  – Englist
  •  – Tamil
  •   – Hindi
  •   – Egyptian

You can refer to this link for more language code