Responsible Person (RP) Records contain the email address of the individual in charge of a domain name. You can supplement RP records with a TXT Record if you would like to include additional details or the full contact information of your domain’s administrator.

Common Use Cases for RP Records

The sole purpose of an RP record is to identify the accountable party for each hostname within a DNS zone.

Follow the steps to create the record

  • Login to your 5centsCDN control panel.
  • Go to Traffic Director and click the Manage button of your Domain.
  • Click the green plus button to create a new DNS record. The values are explained below
    • Type: RP
    • TTL: Specify the TTL value
    • Name: Enter the hostname for the record.
    •  Mailbox: Email address of the individual responsible for the domain.
    • TXT: Enter the domain or subdomain name of a TXT record that contains additional information you want to include.
    • You can also add multiple values by clicking ADD ANOTHER VALUE button. Also, enable or disable options available nearest to the values.

  • Click the CREATE button.