What is a LOC record?

LOC records allow you to specify a physical location for a domain name. It contains Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude information as well as host/subnet physical size and location accuracy. This information can be queried by other computers connected to the Internet. The LOC record has the following look on your DNS zone management page: How […]

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What is a DNAME record?

The DNAME record provides redirection from a part of the DNS name tree to another part of the DNS name tree. The DNAME and CNAME records both cause a lookup to (potentially) return data corresponding to a domain name different from the queried domain name. The difference between the two resource records is that the CNAME […]

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What is a SMIMEA record?

SMIMEA messages often contain a certificate (some messages contain more than one certificate). These certificates assist in authenticating the sender of the message and can be used for encrypting messages that will be sent in reply. In order for the SMIME receiver to authenticate that a message is from the sender identified in the message, […]

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What is a HINFO record?

The HINFO record allows you to define the hardware type and Operating System (OS) in use for a host. This information can be used by application protocols such as FTP, which uses special procedures when communicating with computers of a known CPU and OS type. For security reasons, these records are rarely used on public servers. […]

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What is an OPENPGPKEY record?

OpenPGP public keys are used to encrypt or sign email messages and files. To encrypt an email message, or verify a sender’s OpenPGP signature, the email client Mail User Agent (MUA) or the email server Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) needs to locate the recipient’s OpenPGP public key. The OpenPGPKEY record has the following look on your […]

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What is RP Record?

The RP record specifies the mailbox of the person, responsible for the hostname. The RP record has the following look

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What is an ALIAS Record?

ALIAS record is a type of DNS record that works in a similar way as the CNAME record. The ALIAS record allows you to add multiple hostnames for the same subdomain and can be used for the root domain too. This new build in our system type of DNS record gives you a chance to […]

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What is a Web redirect record?

The Web Redirect (WR) record (also known as URL redirect or HTTP forwarding) allows you to redirect the requests for http://yourdomain.com to http://anotherdomain.com. It is a common technique for making a web page available under more than one URL address. The WR record has the following look Why do you need a Web redirect record? Web Redirects are […]

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What is DS Record?

DS records (Delegation Signer) are used to secure delegations (DNSSEC). A DS record with the name of the sub-delegated zone is placed in the parent zone along with the delegating NS Records. This DS record references a DNSKEY record in the sub-delegated zone. DS records have the following components: Key Tag:  Contains the tag value of the DNSKEY Resource Record that validates […]

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What is NS Record?

The NS records identify the name servers, responsible for your DNS zone. In order to have a valid DNS configuration, the NS records configured in the DNS zone must be exactly the same as those configured as name servers at your domain name provider. That way, resolvers will be redirected to the proper DNS servers, the […]

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